If you use advanced templates with Typepad, you might not be getting optimized images in your excerpt listings. In my case, the main index page was using “thumbnails” that were sized via CSS but in fact were the full size images. This slowed down the page load time for sure.
Continue readingCategory: Cloud Services
Cloud technologies and services will be discussed here.

Mediafire Discontinues Desktop Sync
I don’t know who is in charge over at MediaFire, but the last couple days have seen some scary messages. Firs this: Then a few days later I started getting a more “official” notice. “On July 30th, 2016, MediaFire will stop supporting desktop syncing through MediaFire Desktop.” I took a
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The Best Web Hosting for a Business
There are a million articles on the Internet about who is the best webhost, or who is the best web host for “some specific purpose here“. This is not an article about the best “free” host or the best “cheap” host or the best host for web developers. This is
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This post will eventually detail everything you need to do to export Network Solutions products into WooCommerce formats for importing. I wanted to start this post now even though it’s unfinished, so I can collect some feedback if this sort of thing is something more people are needing. There are
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Fix Yahoo Mail Missing Contact List
I’ve seen some posts online from people who claim to be missing their Yahoo mailing list tool. For some strange reason, Yahoo Mail collapses the contact list area, preventing you from creating a contact list, or group, or mailing list, or whatever you want to call it. When you have
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